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How to attract buyers when you are new to fiverr​

Tony Obum

Video Editor


Fiverr is a great place to start your freelancing career, with millions of potential buyers for your service. The challenge will always be how to attract buyers when you are new to fiverr.

Never you worry I have your back and will share with you how to navigate as a new seller.

I am not just rambling , as of 2021 when I stopped being active on Fiverr I made $23,808.46 and have gone on to mentor two friends who have made cumulatively $20k on fiverr.

Not to brag but I built my account from scratch and I know a few things that you can implement to make sales as a new seller.

Tips on How to attract buyers when you are new to fiverr​

Offer competitive prices and packages

Pricing can attract potential buyers who look to explore budget friendly options.

Pricing on fiverr can make or mar your sales on Fiverr. If you don’t get your pricing right, your potential customers will continue to avoid your gigs like a plague.

You don’t always have to set your pricing at $5 as a beginner. 

Your prices for a gig offline will go a long way to help you outline how much that same gig is worth on fiverr. This alone will always be a guide to you when you set your prices on your Fiverr gig.

A typical example is Jonathan, a designer who is hired by a church to design a church programme flyer offline. Clinton’s charges $50 for event flyer design. If eventually Clinton signs up on Fiverr and wants to offer the same service on Fiverr, his basic pricing should start at $50, same as what he charges offline.

This principle applies to other skilled sellers, writers, video editors,  copywriters, social media managers etc.

How much do you want to earn per hour on that gig?

People from Uk, Us, Canada and some top tier 1 countries are familiar with pays within an hour. I mean they mostly get paid a certain rate per hour of work they put in. 

As a seller on Fiverr, you should be able to know how long a gig takes to complete from start to finish and fix a certain price per hour.

A business website consisting of Homepage, about, services and contact us pages will take me 5 hours to build and customize using astra theme template. 

Bearing in mind the above info, I peg my hourly charge at $30, meaning my basic for building a business website with 5 pages is $150.

Therefore, your gig prices should come in after you calculate how long a gig takes and also how much you want to charge per hour.

How to attract buyers when you are new to fiverr​
My average selling price

Myth about Fiverr price

 Set low prices to attract customers.

The honest truth

Low prices don’t mean more customers, $5 is just the least amount you can charge for a gig, but you can always set your prices higher and still have customers come to you. All that matters is the value you offer

How much are your competitors charging for that same gig on Fiverr?

Your competitors I mean here are your fellow Fiverr sellers who offer the same service as you do and are on a similar level as you are.

Logo design as a service has thousands of services available,  and on average , designers in this niche charge between $10 – $50 as their basic.

What you should do is to go through their gig packages and what they offer per each gig package.  If it is what you can offer for such a price then you can go ahead to have a similar price as your basic like your competitors. 

N:B Irrespective of the prices your competitors set on their gigs, if you go by that same price make sure to tweak your offer to what you are comfortable with.

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Be proactive and Responsive

A quick response time is a good way to win potential customers over. It builds trust and tells the buyer you are dependable.

Take yourself to be on a buyer’s shoe. If you message 3 fiverr sellers and only one responded in less than 30 minutes and the rest 2 hours later. You are more likely to buy the service of the one with the quick response time and ignore the rest.

As a seller, to increase your response time, download the Fiverr mobile app ,login your account and keep it running in the background. This way you account always shows online 🟢

Bonus Tip

Over deliver on your first fiverr order

You should go extra miles to deliver quality service to your first buyers. This will earn you good reviews and even referral from those buyers in the future.


I am trusting in you that henceforth you know how to attract buyers when you are new on fiverr. Make sure to apply these tips I shared and have some patience , sales will come in due time.

Should there be further questions regarding this topic, Kindly Leave me a comment 😊.

See you at the top

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